Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Interpersonal Relationships free essay sample

Interpersonal relationships can either be defensive or supportive. I find myself being both very many times because I can see things in all different aspects. I try to put myself in the persons shoes in order to determine what would be best in my eyes, A supportive relationship is one where you back up the persons ideas and actions. I believe a manager must always have a supportive relationship with their boss in order to enforce rules in the workplace. If the manager does not enforce their supervisor’s rules then things would go very wrong. A defensive relationship is something we see very often because we all have different opinions. In the workplace especially when working in the healthcare field being defensive can be mistaken for aggression. Having a defensive relationship means that although you work together you have different views and they are expressed. I had a meeting last week where I actually had to speak defensively towards the CEO of the company. We will write a custom essay sample on Interpersonal Relationships or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Our quota was being held against us in a manner that I did not agree with and I advised the manager. Since she did not acknowledge my suggestion I brought it up in our meeting and not only was I acknowledged our quotas are being reviewed. Part of being a successful communicator whether it is defensive or supportive is being assertive. Being assertive is essential in our daily lives especially in the workplace. There are plenty of times when we are trying to submit claims to the insurance company but they require more information. Many times we try to request more information such as letter of medical necessities from the doctors and they refuse because they feel they documented enough. Because we work for them we are not allowed to tell them what to do but this is when being assertive comes in. You advise the doctor that the insurance company is requesting more information than what is in the medical records and that if the letter is not done by a certain time the insurance company will not pay for the services that were rendered. Being assertive means being straight forward and strong with your style of communication without being aggressive or demeaning. Being assertive is like demanding something without the umpgh. I believe I effectively communicate within my interpersonal relationships. I always am assertive when speaking. I stand my ground and make my point clear and aggression is rarely ever used. I do defend my ideas and my points fully with everyone I speak to. Even at home I do not yell at my son unless he has done something truly incorrect. I always talk to him and show him right from wrong and explain why things should be done a certain way. Interpersonal relationships are essential in life. We all need to work together in our everyday lives in order to accommodate one another and not to offend anyone. In the healthcare field we all have the same goals and that is to make sure that the patient gets the care they need while the insurance companies pay the claims for our doctors. The healthcare field is filled with interpersonal relationships. We all depend on one another in order to do our job correctly. The doctor needs the nurse the nurse needs the front desk and everyone needs the billers. In the healthcare field we must use our confidence in order to be assertive. Being confident means knowing and standing for what you believe is right and expressing that. Being assertive means standing your ground without proof and without being aggressive. Although I believe being assertive works much better when there is proof because it shows that you researched what you are discussing. Assertiveness is a need in any field because you must speak your mind in order to communicate effectively and if you work in the healthcare field than being assertive will make you a very successful healthcare professional. Interpersonal Relationships free essay sample Establishing a close relationship with another person appears to be one of the major contributors to happiness. This chapter first distinguishes between interpersonal relationships and impersonal ones. Basically, what makes a relationship interpersonal is interdependency, since in impersonal relationships the communicators are independent. Furthermore, in impersonal relationships, the social role of the person governs, whereas in personal interactions the psychological uniqueness of each person leads the communication. This psychological data characterizes interpersonal relationships. Second comes the explanatory knowledge, where a person becomes able to predict and explain the other’s behavior rather than just describing it. The third factor is the personally established rules stating that interpersonal relationships should go beyond rules of interactions set by social norms, to rules set by the communicators themselves. Adding to those differences, the author sheds light on relationships’ benefits and inconveniences in general. Some improvements are that interpersonal affiliations help alleviate loneliness, gain self-knowledge, enhance self-esteem, maximize pleasure and minimize pain. We will write a custom essay sample on Interpersonal Relationships or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Some of the drawbacks is that those connections put pressure on the partners to reveal themselves, impose significant financial, emotional and temporal obligations. It may also lead to isolation from former friends and present difficulties in dissolving. Next, the chapter discusses a stage model for relationships, providing a general description of their development. It mainly applies in face-to-face relationships. -Contact: it is somewhat a perceptual contact, where one forms a physical and a mental picture of the other, and then initiates an interactional contact through exchanging basic and superficial information and impressions. 2-Involvement: one mutually connects with the other by trying to learn more about him/her. It starts with a testing phase to prove your previous judgments right or wrong. Then goes to reveal oneself in order to intensify the relationship. 3-Intimacy: commitment takes place; the other person becomes the closest companion. Interpersonal commitment is a private one, however the social bonding is when the commitment is made public. The lifetime partnership decided upon in this stage involves three anxieties: security (worries about unfaithfulness), fulfillment (worries about not having an equal relationship) and excitement anxiety (worries about routine and lack of freedom). 4-Deterioration: it is the weakening if the bonds due to intrapersonal dissatisfaction leading to interpersonal deterioration when the two mates grow farther away. The breadth (number of topics relevant to discuss) and depth (degree of personalness) reverse themselves, and conflicts become more common and difficult to resolve. 5-Repair: some partners may try to repair their relationships after deterioration. At first, an intrapersonal repair is needed to analyze what went wrong, and then discuss it with the companion in interpersonal repair. The couple ought to negotiate new agreements and behaviors. 6-Dissolution: here, the bonds are definitely broken. Each begins to manage a separate life, either alone or with someone else, it is an interpersonal separation. Then the separation becomes publicly known once it officially fails every repair. It is important to note the following: -The model is certainly not the only way to look at relationships. -All relationships can be defined by opposite desires that influence the movement from one stage to another. (autonomy vs connection, novelty vs predictability, closeness vs openness) -Each stage offers the opportunity to exit the relationship. Movement through each stage is a gradual process. -Movement from one stage to another largely depends on the communication skills a person has. Moreover, culture and technology affect or even govern relationships. In some cultures, the lifetime partner is chosen by the parents, to satisfy certain family interests. This shows how culture influences the relationship’s purposes and values. It also sets rules for the rights to end a relationship. (C atholicism for example forbids divorce once there are children) and it shapes principles towards accepting or not same-sex unions. As for technology, it has now assumed a major role in developing and maintaining interpersonal relationships. Nonetheless, online relationships have advantages and disadvantages. On one hand, they are safe, they are based on the person’s personality instead of the looks, self disclosure is mainly the road to intimacy, they prone trust and honesty and are an efficient tool for shy people and people with disfigurements to establish relationships. On the other hand, the Net obviously gives opportunity to lie and share unauthentic information, a whole fake identity can easily be made up.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Electricity Safety Research Paper Example

Electricity Safety Research Paper Example Electricity Safety Paper Electricity Safety Paper Essay Topic: City Lights 1. Introduce electricity.  2. Why is electricity dangerous? a) Relationship between current and voltage.   b) How a person completes a circuit.  3. Why is electricity useful?  4. How can you avoid accidents?  5. How can you help someone who got a shock?  6. How do we practice safety at home and school?  At home electricity runs the lights, television, toaster and more. Electricity is a form of energy. Energy is power, the power to do and move things, and to make things work. Electricity is made up of atoms. An atom centre includes at least one proton and neutron. At many a least one electron travels around the centre of the atom at a huge amount of speed. The movement of electrons produces electricity. There are many ways of finding electricity or getting electrified. There are also many kinds of electric types, for example static electricity. To learn about static electricity you have to learn about the nature of matter. In other words, what is all the stuff around us made of?  If you walk across a rug, and reach for the doorknob you will receive a static electric shock. Or, if you come inside from the cold, pull off your hat and all your hair stands on end. You will also receive an electric shock. The movement of electricity is very dangerous. If electricity travels through you, you could easily, seriously get hurt or even die. Electricity can travel through you, if you touch an electric circuit and the ground at the same time; you become electricitys easiest path.  You can avoid these kinds of accidents by keeping all electrical appliances away from water. This is because water is a great conductor of electricity. Another way to avoid is to make sure your hands are dry when you are about to anything electrical. An additional way to avoid electrical accidents is to not use water when putting out an electrical fire. However you should use a multipurpose fire extinguisher. A current is the flow of electrons. A voltage calculates how much energy the light bulb takes up, by calculating the energy before it reaches the bulb and after. The relationship between a current and a voltage is that both calculate electrons but in a different way. A current calculates the flow of electrons. However a voltage calculates the amount of electronic energy the bulb takes up.  For electricity to travel where we need it to travel, there must be a complete circuit of electricity. A circuit is like a circle. To complete a circuit you first need to connect one end of each wire to the light bulb base. Then you tape one free wire end to each end of the battery. In this experiment you need a cell battery, a volt light bulb, a light bulb base, masking tape, and a strand copper wire. Electricity is useful as I have written before that it runs the lights, television, toaster, and more. Its hard to even imagine what your life would be like without it. The more you know about how electricity works. The better you can keep yourself, your friends, and your family safe!  You receive an electric shock when an electric current enters your body. You can help someone when they get a shock in many ways. You can help someone who gets an electric shock by either shutting off the source of electricity if you can without hurting yourself. You can use a non-conducting object like a wooden broom if you need to break the connection between the person and the current. After you get that person no longer in contact with the current, check the persons breathing. If its rapid, irregular, or stopped, have someone else call emergency. If the person is fine look for burned skin, if he/she has no burned skin it could still be deep and painful in the inside.  You can practice safety at home by replacing frayed wires, when you are outside, especially after a storm, watch out for broken poles and downed wires, and make sure appliances are turned off when not in use. You can also practice safety at school by teachers teaching you. You could also practice safety at school by keeping a fair distance away from fire or electricity or even electric wires while doing an experiment and it is not turned off. Bibliography

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Culture shock Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Culture shock - Article Example The more one tries to learn and accept the new culture, the quicker the culture shock goes away. I agree to the description of culture shock presented in the article. The article gives a detailed insight into the topic of culture shock. Aspects discussed in the article include but are not limited to the definition of culture shock, how is it caused, the psychological and emotional effects of culture shock, what can be done about it, and which community is at the greatest risk of experiencing culture shock. After reading this article, one completely understands the concept of culture shock. I particularly agree to the author’s view that culture shock is experienced the most by people moving from advanced countries to the third world country because it is easier for the poor to adopt the culture of the rich country but people who have lived in a technologically developed environment with a lot of facilities find it very difficult to adjust into a country where there are not many